Source code for models

:mod:`models` --- models of the cosmic ray flux at the top of Earth's atmosphere

This module is a collection of models of the high-energy primary cosmic
ray flux, found in the literature of the last decades. The base class
:class:`PrimaryFlux` has various methods, which can be employed in lepton flux
calculations, cosmic ray physics, radiation physics etc.

The numbering scheme for nuclei is adapted from the Cosmic Ray Air-Shower Monte
Carlo `CORSIKA <>`_. Protons have the ID 14. The
composite ID for nuclei follows the formula :math:`ID=100 \cdot A + Z`, where
:math:`A` is the mass number and :math:`Z` the charge. With this scheme one can
easily obtain charge and mass from the ID and vice-versa (see :func:`PrimaryFlux.Z_A`).

The physics underlying each of the models can be found following the references
in this documentation.

.. note::

    As always, if you use one of the models for your work, please cite the corresponding

  To generate the plots from below, run::

        from crflux.models import test

.. plot::

    import crflux.models as mods
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    pmodels = [
        (mods.GaisserStanevTilav, "3-gen", "GST 3-gen", "b", "--"),
        (mods.GaisserStanevTilav, "4-gen", "GST 4-gen", "b", "-"),
        (mods.CombinedGHandHG, "H3a", "cH3a", "g", "--"),
        (mods.CombinedGHandHG, "H4a", "cH4a", "g", "-"),
        (mods.HillasGaisser2012, "H3a", "H3a", "r", "--"),
        (mods.HillasGaisser2012, "H4a", "H4a", "r", "-"),
        (mods.PolyGonato, False, "poly-gonato", "m", "-"),
        (mods.Thunman, None, "TIG", "y", "-"),
        (mods.ZatsepinSokolskaya, 'default', 'ZS', "c", "-"),
        (mods.ZatsepinSokolskaya, 'pamela', 'ZSP', "c", "--"),
        (mods.GaisserHonda, None, 'GH', "0.5", "-"),
        #    (GlobalSplineFit, None, 'GSF', "k", "-"),
        (mods.GlobalSplineFitBeta, None, 'GSF spl', "k", ":")

    nfrac = {}
    lnA = {}
    evec = np.logspace(0, 11, 1000)
    plt.figure(figsize=(7.5, 5))
    plt.title('Cosmic ray nucleon flux (proton + neutron)')
    for mclass, moptions, mtitle, color, ls in pmodels:

        pmod = mclass(moptions)
        pfrac, p, n = pmod.p_and_n_flux(evec)
            evec, (p + n) * evec**2.5,
        nfrac[mtitle] = (1 - pfrac)
        if isinstance(pmod, mods.GlobalSplineFitBeta):
        lnA[mtitle] = pmod.lnA(evec)

    plt.xlabel(r"$E_{nucleon}$ [GeV]")
    plt.ylabel(r"dN/dE (E/GeV)$^{2.5}$ (m$^{2}$ s sr GeV)$^{-1}$")
    plt.legend(loc=0, frameon=False, numpoints=1, ncol=2)
    plt.xlim([1, 1e11])
    plt.ylim([10, 2e4])

    plt.figure(figsize=(7.5, 5))
    plt.title('Fraction of neutrons relative to protons.')
    for mclass, moptions, mtitle, color, ls in pmodels:
        plt.plot(evec, nfrac[mtitle], color=color, ls=ls, lw=1.5, label=mtitle)

    plt.xlabel(r"$E_{nucleon}$ [GeV]")
    plt.ylabel("Neutron fraction")
    plt.legend(loc=0, frameon=False, numpoints=1, ncol=2)
    plt.xlim([1, 1e11])
    pmodels = [m for m in pmodels if 'GSF' not in m[2]]
    plt.figure(figsize=(7.5, 5))
    plt.title('Cosmic ray particle flux (all-nuclei).')

    for mclass, moptions, mtitle, color, ls in pmodels:
        pmod = mclass(moptions)

        flux = pmod.total_flux(evec)
            evec, flux * evec**2.5, color=color, ls=ls, lw=1.5, label=mtitle)

    plt.xlabel(r"$E_{particle}$ [GeV]")
    plt.ylabel(r"dN/dE (E/GeV)$^{2.5}$ (m$^{2}$ s sr GeV)$^{-1}$")
    plt.legend(loc=0, frameon=False, numpoints=1, ncol=2)
    plt.xlim([1, 1e11])
    plt.ylim([10, 2e4])

    plt.figure(figsize=(7.5, 5))
    plt.title('Mean log mass <lnA>.')
    for mclass, moptions, mtitle, color, ls in pmodels:
        plt.plot(evec, lnA[mtitle], color=color, ls=ls, lw=1.5, label=mtitle)

    plt.xlabel(r"$E_{particle}$ [GeV]")
    plt.legend(loc=0, frameon=False, numpoints=1, ncol=2)
    plt.xlim([1, 1e11])
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from six import with_metaclass
import numpy as np

def _get_closest(value, in_list):
    """Compares the parameters ``value`` with values of the
    iterable ``in_list`` and returns the index and value of closest

      value (int,float): value to be looked for in the list
      in_list (list,tuple): list of values with which to compare
      tuple (int,float): (index, value) of closest value in the list
    minindex = np.argmin(np.abs(in_list - value * np.ones(len(in_list))))
    return minindex, in_list[minindex]

[docs]class PrimaryFlux(with_metaclass(ABCMeta)): """Base class for primary cosmic ray flux models. """ def __init__(self): self.nucleus_ids = None
[docs] @abstractmethod def nucleus_flux(self, corsika_id, E): """Returns the flux of nuclei corresponding to the ``corsika_id`` at energy ``E``. Args: corsika_id (int): see :mod:`crflux` for description. E (float): laboratory energy of nucleus in GeV Returns: (float): flux of single nucleus type :math:`\\Phi_{nucleus}` in :math:`(\\text{m}^2 \\text{s sr GeV})^{-1}` """ raise NotImplementedError( self.__class__.__name__ + '::nucleus_flux(): Base class method nucleus_flux called.')
[docs] def total_flux(self, E): """Returns total flux of nuclei, the "all-particle-flux". Args: E (float): laboratory energy of particles in GeV Returns: (float): particle flux in :math:`\\Phi_{particles}` in :math:`(\\text{m}^2 \\text{s sr GeV})^{-1}` """ nuc_flux = np.vectorize(self.nucleus_flux) return sum( [nuc_flux(corsika_id, E) for corsika_id in self.nucleus_ids])
[docs] def tot_nucleon_flux(self, E): """Returns total flux of nucleons, the "all-nucleon-flux". Args: E (float): laboratory energy of nucleons in GeV Returns: (float): nucleon flux :math:`\\Phi_{nucleons}` in :math:`(\\text{m}^2 \\text{s sr GeV})^{-1}` """ nuc_flux = np.vectorize(self.nucleus_flux) return sum([ self.Z_A(corsika_id)[1]**2.0 * nuc_flux( corsika_id, E * self.Z_A(corsika_id)[1]) for corsika_id in self.nucleus_ids ])
[docs] def nucleon_gamma(self, E, rel_delta=0.01): """Returns differential spectral index of all-nucleon-flux obtained from a numerical derivative. Args: E (float): laboratory energy of nucleons in GeV rel_delta (float): range of derivative relative to log10(E) Returns: (float): spectral index :math:`\\gamma` of nucleons """ delta = rel_delta * E fl = self.tot_nucleon_flux return (np.log10(fl(E + delta) / fl(E - delta)) / np.log10( (E + delta) / (E - delta)))
[docs] def nucleus_gamma(self, E, corsika_id, rel_delta=0.01): """Returns differential spectral index of nuclei obtained from a numerical derivative. Args: E (float): laboratory energy of nuclei in GeV corsika_id (int): corsika id of nucleus/mass group rel_delta (float): range of derivative relative to log10(E) Returns: (float): spectral index :math:`\\gamma` of nuclei """ delta = rel_delta * E fl = np.vectorize(self.nucleus_flux) return (np.log10( fl(corsika_id, E + delta) / fl(corsika_id, E - delta)) / np.log10( (E + delta) / (E - delta)))
[docs] def delta_0(self, E): """Returns proton excess. The proton excess is defined as :math:`\\delta_0 = \\frac{\\Phi_p - \\Phi_n}{\\Phi_p + \\Phi_n}`. Args: E (float): laboratory energy of nucleons in GeV Returns: (float): proton excess :math:`\\delta_0` """ p_0 = 0.0 n_0 = 0.0 nuc_flux = np.vectorize(self.nucleus_flux) p_0 += nuc_flux(14, E) p_0 += 2.**2 * nuc_flux(402, E * 4.) n_0 += 2.**2 * nuc_flux(402, E * 4.) p_0 += 6.**2 * nuc_flux(1206, E * 12.) n_0 += 6.**2 * nuc_flux(1206, E * 12.) p_0 += 14.**2 * nuc_flux(2814, E * 28.) n_0 += 14.**2 * nuc_flux(2814, E * 28.) p_0 += 26.**2 * nuc_flux(5426, E * 52.) n_0 += 26.**2 * nuc_flux(5426, E * 52.) return (p_0 - n_0) / (p_0 + n_0)
[docs] def p_and_n_flux(self, E): """Returns tuple with proton fraction, proton flux and neutron flux. The proton fraction is defined as :math:`\\frac{\\Phi_p}{\\Phi_p + \\Phi_n}`. Args: E (float): laboratory energy of nucleons in GeV Returns: (float,float,float): proton fraction, proton flux, neutron flux """ nuc_flux = np.vectorize(self.nucleus_flux) za = self.Z_A p_flux = sum([ za(corsika_id)[0] * za(corsika_id)[1] * nuc_flux( corsika_id, E * za(corsika_id)[1]) for corsika_id in self.nucleus_ids ]) n_flux = sum( [(za(corsika_id)[1] - za(corsika_id)[0]) * za(corsika_id)[1] * nuc_flux(corsika_id, E * za(corsika_id)[1]) for corsika_id in self.nucleus_ids]) return p_flux / (p_flux + n_flux), p_flux, n_flux
[docs] def lnA(self, E): """Returns mean logarithmic mass <ln A>/ Args: E (float): laboratory energy of particles in GeV Returns: (float): mean (natural) logarithmic mass """ sum_weight = 0. nuc_flux = np.vectorize(self.nucleus_flux) for cid in self.nucleus_ids: if cid == 14: continue #p has lnA = 0 sum_weight += np.log(self.Z_A(cid)[1]) * nuc_flux(cid, E) return sum_weight / self.total_flux(E)
def _find_nearby_id(self, corsika_id, delta_A=3): """Looks in :attr:`self.params` for a nucleus with same ``corsika_id`` and returns the corsika_id if these parameters exist. If not, it will look for nuclei of mass number +- delta_A around the requested nucleus and return its corsika_id if it exists. Args: corsika_id (int): corsika id of nucleus/mass group Returns: (int): corsika_id of requested or similar nucleus Raises: Exception: if no nucleus with mass number closer than delta_A can be found in parameters """ if corsika_id in self.nucleus_ids: return corsika_id A_in = (corsika_id - corsika_id % 100) / 100 closest_id = _get_closest(corsika_id, self.nucleus_ids)[1] A_close = (closest_id - closest_id % 100) / 100 if np.abs(A_in - A_close) > 3: e = ('{0}::_find_nearby_id(): No similar nucleus found with ' + 'delta_A <= {1} for A_in = {2}. Closest is {3}.') raise Exception( e.format(self.__class__.__name__, delta_A, A_in, A_close)) else: return closest_id
[docs] def Z_A(self, corsika_id): """Returns mass number :math:`A` and charge :math:`Z` corresponding to ``corsika_id`` Args: corsika_id (int): corsika id of nucleus/mass group Returns: (int,int): (Z,A) tuple """ Z, A = 1, 1 if corsika_id > 14: Z = corsika_id % 100 A = (corsika_id - Z) / 100 return Z, A
[docs]class PolyGonato(PrimaryFlux): """J. R. Hoerandel, Astroparticle Physics 19, 193 (2003). """ def __init__(self, constdelta=False): PrimaryFlux.__init__(self) = 'poly-gonato' self.sname = 'pg' self.constdelta = constdelta self.E_p = 4.51e6 self.gamma_c = -4.68 self.epsilon_c = 1.87 self.delta_gamma = 2.10 if self.constdelta: self.epsilon_c = 1.90 self.E_p = 4.49e6 self.params = {} self.params[14] = (8.73e-2, 2.71, 1) # H self.params[402] = (5.71e-2, 2.64, 2) # He self.params[1206] = (1.06e-2, 2.66, 6) # C self.params[1407] = (2.35e-3, 2.72, 7) # N self.params[1608] = (1.57e-2, 2.68, 8) # O self.params[2412] = (8.01e-3, 2.64, 12) # Mg self.params[2613] = (1.15e-3, 2.66, 13) # Al self.params[2814] = (7.96e-3, 2.75, 14) # Si self.params[5025] = (1.35e-3, 2.46, 25) # Mn self.params[5426] = (2.04e-2, 2.59, 26) # Fe self.params[5427] = (7.51e-5, 2.72, 27) # Co self.nucleus_ids = list(self.params.keys())
[docs] def nucleus_flux(self, corsika_id, E): corsika_id = self._find_nearby_id(corsika_id) return self._polygonato_fomula(corsika_id, E)
def _polygonato_fomula(self, corsika_id, E): p = self.params[corsika_id] gam = (self.gamma_c + p[1]) if self.constdelta else -self.delta_gamma return (p[0] / 1000.0 * (E / 1000.0)**(-p[1]) * (1 + (E / p[2] / self.E_p)**self.epsilon_c)** (gam / self.epsilon_c))
class _BenzviMontaruli(PrimaryFlux): """ Project started by Segev BenZvi and T. Montaruli but now it is not maintained and rather canceled. Feb. 2014 """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): = 'Benzvi-Montaruli' self.sname = 'BM' self.params = {} # dictionary[corsika_id] = (E_0, A, gamma1, Eb, gamma2) self.params[14] = (31.623, 1.145, -2.786, 262.628, -2.695) # H self.params[402] = (100.0, 0.030, -2.712, 484.059, -2.600) # He self.params[1206] = (240.0, 6.014e-4, -2.741, 2400.0, -2.503) # C self.params[1608] = (320.0, 3.828e-5, -2.741, 3200.0, -2.503) # O self.params[2412] = (400.0, 4.458e-5, -2.741, 4800.0, -2.503) # Mg self.params[2814] = (560.0, 4.314e-5, -2.741, 5600.0, -2.503) # Si self.params[5426] = (1120.0, 1.659e-5, -2.741, 11200.0, -2.503) # Fe self.nucleus_ids = list(self.params.keys()) def nucleus_flux(self, corsika_id, E): corsika_id = self._find_nearby_id(corsika_id) return self.BenzviFlux(corsika_id, E) def BenzviFlux(self, corsika_id, E): param = self.params[corsika_id] try: if E < param[3]: return param[1] * (E / param[0])**param[2] else: return (param[1] * (param[3] / param[0])** (param[2] - param[4]) * (E / param[0])**param[4]) except: return np.hstack([ param[1] * (E[E < param[3]] / param[0])**param[2], param[1] * (param[3] / param[0])**(param[2] - param[4]) * (E[E >= param[3]] / param[0])**param[4] ])
[docs]class HillasGaisser2012(PrimaryFlux): """Gaisser, T.K., Astroparticle Physics 35, 801 (2012). Model is based on Hillas ideas and eye-ball fits by T.K. Gaisser. H3a is a 3-'peters cycle' 5 mass group model with mixed composition above the ankle. H4a has protons only in the 3. component. Args: model (str): can be either H3a or H4a. """ def __init__(self, model="H4a"): = 'Hillas-Gaisser (' + model + ')' self.sname = model self.model = model self.params = {} self.rid_cutoff = {} mass_comp = [14, 402, 1206, 2814, 5426] for mcomp in mass_comp: self.params[mcomp] = {} self.rid_cutoff[1] = 4e6 self.rid_cutoff[2] = 30e6 self.rid_cutoff[3] = 2e9 self.params[14][1] = (7860, 1.66, 1) # H self.params[402][1] = (3550, 1.58, 2) # He self.params[1206][1] = (2200, 1.63, 6) # CNO self.params[2814][1] = (1430, 1.67, 14) # MgAlSi self.params[5426][1] = (2120, 1.63, 26) # Fe self.params[14][2] = (20, 1.4, 1) # H self.params[402][2] = (20, 1.4, 2) # He self.params[1206][2] = (13.4, 1.4, 6) # CNO self.params[2814][2] = (13.4, 1.4, 14) # MgAlSi self.params[5426][2] = (13.4, 1.4, 26) # Fe if self.model == "H3a": self.rid_cutoff[3] = 2e9 self.params[14][3] = (1.7, 1.4, 1) # H self.params[402][3] = (1.7, 1.4, 2) # He self.params[1206][3] = (1.14, 1.4, 6) # CNO self.params[2814][3] = (1.14, 1.4, 14) # MgAlSi self.params[5426][3] = (1.14, 1.4, 26) # Fe elif self.model == "H4a": self.rid_cutoff[3] = 60e9 self.params[14][3] = (200., 1.6, 1) # H self.params[402][3] = (0, 1.4, 2) # He self.params[1206][3] = (0, 1.4, 6) # CNO self.params[2814][3] = (0, 1.4, 14) # MgAlSi self.params[5426][3] = (0, 1.4, 26) # Fe else: raise Exception( 'HillasGaisser2012(): Unknown model version requested.') self.nucleus_ids = list(self.params.keys())
[docs] def nucleus_flux(self, corsika_id, E): corsika_id = self._find_nearby_id(corsika_id) flux = 0.0 for i in range(1, 4): p = self.params[corsika_id][i] flux += p[0] * E ** (-p[1] - 1.0) * \ np.exp(-E / p[2] / self.rid_cutoff[i]) return flux
[docs]class H3a_polygonato(HillasGaisser2012): """Modified version of Gaisser, T.K., Astroparticle Physics 35, 801 (2012). Model is based on Hillas ideas and eye-ball fits by T.K. Gaisser. H3a is a 3-'peters cycle' 5 mass group model with mixed composition above the ankle. H4a has protons only in the 3. component. This version has a five component poly-gonato at lower energies and resembles H3/4a at energies above the knee. Args: model (str): can be either H3a or H4a. """ def __init__(self, model="H3a"): HillasGaisser2012.__init__(self, model) self.rid_cutoff[1] = 4.49e6 self.rid_cutoff[2] = 30e6 self.rid_cutoff[3] = 2e9 self.params[14][1] = (11800, 1.71, 1) # H self.params[402][1] = (4750, 1.64, 2) # He self.params[1206][1] = (3860, 1.67, 6) # CNO self.params[2814][1] = (3120, 1.70, 14) # MgAlSi self.params[5426][1] = (1080, 1.55, 26) # Fe self.params[14][2] = (11.8, 1.4, 1) # H self.params[402][2] = (11.8, 1.4, 2) # He self.params[1206][2] = (7.88, 1.4, 6) # CNO self.params[2814][2] = (7.88, 1.4, 14) # MgAlSi self.params[5426][2] = (7.88, 1.4, 26) # Fe
[docs]class GaisserStanevTilav(PrimaryFlux): """T. K. Gaisser, T. Stanev, and S. Tilav, arXiv:1303.3565, (2013). Args: model (str): 3-gen or 4-gen Raises: Exception: if ``model`` not properly specified. """ def __init__(self, model="3-gen"): PrimaryFlux.__init__(self) = 'GST (' + model + ')' self.sname = 'GST' + model[0] self.model = model self.params = {} self.rid_cutoff = {} self.rid_cutoff[1] = 120e3 self.rid_cutoff[2] = 4e6 mass_comp = [14, 402, 1206, 1608, 5426] for mcomp in mass_comp: self.params[mcomp] = {} self.params[14][1] = (7000, 1.66, 1) # H self.params[402][1] = (3200, 1.58, 2) # He self.params[1206][1] = (100, 1.4, 6) # C self.params[1608][1] = (130, 1.4, 8) # O self.params[5426][1] = (60, 1.3, 26) # Fe self.params[14][2] = (150, 1.4, 1) # H self.params[402][2] = (65, 1.3, 2) # He self.params[1206][2] = (6, 1.3, 6) # C self.params[1608][2] = (7, 1.3, 8) # O if self.model == "3-gen": self.params[5426][2] = (2.3, 1.2, 26) # Fe self.rid_cutoff[3] = 1.3e9 self.params[14][3] = (14, 1.4, 1) # H self.params[402][3] = (0, 1.4, 2) # He self.params[1206][3] = (0, 1.4, 6) # CNO self.params[1608][3] = (0, 1.3, 8) # O self.params[5426][3] = (0.025, 1.2, 26) # Fe elif self.model == "4-gen": self.params[5426][2] = (2.1, 1.2, 26) # Fe self.rid_cutoff[3] = 1.5e9 self.params[14][3] = (12., 1.4, 1) # H self.params[402][3] = (0, 1.4, 2) # He self.params[1206][3] = (0, 1.4, 6) # CNO self.params[1608][3] = (0, 1.3, 8) # O self.params[5426][3] = (0.011, 1.2, 26) # Fe self.rid_cutoff[4] = 40e9 self.params[14][4] = (1.2, 1.4, 1) # H self.params[402][4] = (0, 0, 2) # He self.params[1206][4] = (0, 0, 6) # CNO self.params[1608][4] = (0, 0, 8) # O self.params[5426][4] = (0, 0, 26) # Fe else: raise Exception('GaisserStanevTilav(): Unknown model version.') self.nucleus_ids = list(self.params.keys())
[docs] def nucleus_flux(self, corsika_id, E): corsika_id = self._find_nearby_id(corsika_id) flux = 0.0 ngen = 0 if self.model == '3-gen': ngen = 4 elif self.model == '4-gen': ngen = 5 else: raise Exception('GaisserStanevTilav(): Unknown model type.') for i in range(1, ngen): p = self.params[corsika_id][i] flux += p[0] * E ** (-p[1] - 1.0) * \ np.exp(-E / p[2] / self.rid_cutoff[i]) return flux
[docs]class CombinedGHandHG(PrimaryFlux): """A. Fedynitch, J. Becker Tjus, and P. Desiati, Phys. Rev. D 86, 114024 (2012). In the paper the high energy models were called cHGm for GH+H3a and cHGp for GH+H4a. The names have been change to use the quite unintuitive names H3a and H4a in ongoing literature. """ def __init__(self, model="H3a"): = 'comb. GH and ' + model self.sname = 'c' + model self.params = {} self.leModel = GaisserHonda() self.heModel = HillasGaisser2012(model) self.heCutOff = 1e5 cid_list = [14, 402, 1206, 2814, 5426] # Store low- to high-energy model transitions in params for cid in cid_list: self.params[cid] = self.find_transition(cid) self.nucleus_ids = list(self.params.keys()) def find_transition(self, corsika_id): from scipy.optimize import fsolve def func(logE): return (self.leModel.nucleus_flux(corsika_id, 10**logE) - self.heModel.nucleus_flux(corsika_id, 10**logE)) result = fsolve(func, 3.1) # print 'CombinedSpectrum(): low E to high E model transition for', # corsika_id, 10 ** result[0] return 10**result[0]
[docs] def nucleus_flux(self, corsika_id, E): corsika_id = self._find_nearby_id(corsika_id) try: E = np.array(E) le = E < self.params[corsika_id] he = E >= self.params[corsika_id] return np.hstack((self.leModel.nucleus_flux(corsika_id, E[le]), self.heModel.nucleus_flux(corsika_id, E[he]))) except IndexError: if E < self.params[corsika_id]: return self.leModel.nucleus_flux(corsika_id, E) else: return self.heModel.nucleus_flux(corsika_id, E)
[docs]class ZatsepinSokolskaya(PrimaryFlux): """The model was first released in V. I. Zatsepin and N. V. Sokolskaya, Astronomy and Astrophysics 458, 1 (2006). Later, the PAMELA experiment has fitted the parameters of this model to their data in PAMELA Collaboration, O. Adriani et al., Science 332, 69 (2011). Both versions of parameters can be accessed here. The model does not describe the flux above the knee. Therefore, the highest energies should not exceed 1-10 PeV. Args: model (str): 'default' for original or 'pamela' for PAMELA parameters """ def __init__(self, model='pamela'): if model == 'pamela': = 'Zatsepin-Sokolskaya/Pamela' self.sname = 'ZSP' self.R_0 = 5.5 self.alpha = (2.3, 2.1, 2.57) self.R_max = (8e4, 4e6, 2e2) self.gamma = (2.63, 2.43, 2.9) self.gamma_k = (8, 4.5, 4.5) self.f_norm = {} self.f_norm[14] = (7.1e3, 6.25e3, 3.0, 74., 1) self.f_norm[402] = (9.5e3, 8.5e3, 0.74, 18., 2) self.f_norm[1206] = (6.75e3, 1.8e3, 30, 5.8, 7) self.f_norm[2814] = (5.5e3, 1.5e3, 110, 3.5, 12) self.f_norm[5426] = (3.5e3, 1.2e3, 750, 2.4, 20) self.m_p = 0.983 elif model == 'default': = 'Zatsepin-Sokolskaya' self.sname = 'ZS' self.R_0 = 5.5 self.alpha = (2.3, 2.1, 2.57) self.R_max = (8e4, 4e6, 2e2) self.gamma = (2.63, 2.43, 2.9) self.gamma_k = (8, 4.5, 4.5) self.f_norm = {} self.f_norm[14] = (1.36e4, 6.25e3, 2.1, 74., 1) self.f_norm[402] = (8.75e3, 8.5e3, 3.0, 18., 2) self.f_norm[1206] = (6.75e3, 1.8e3, 30, 5.8, 7) self.f_norm[2814] = (5.5e3, 1.5e3, 110, 3.5, 12) self.f_norm[5426] = (3.5e3, 1.2e3, 750, 2.4, 20) self.m_p = 0.983 else: raise Exception("{0}():: Unknown model selection '{1}'.".format( self.__class__.__name__, model)) self.nucleus_ids = list(self.f_norm.keys()) def lamba_esc(self, R): return (4.2 * (R / self.R_0)**(-1. / 3.) * (1 + (R / self.R_0)** (-2. / 3.))) def Q(self, R, gen): return R**(-self.alpha[gen]) * self.phi(R, gen) def phi(self, R, gen): return ((1 + (R / self.R_max[gen])**2) **((self.gamma[gen] - self.gamma_k[gen]) / 2.)) def dR_dE(self, E, corsika_id): Z, A = self.Z_A(corsika_id) return (1. / Z * (E + self.m_p * A) / np.sqrt(E**2 + 2 * self.m_p * A * E)) def R(self, E, corsika_id): Z, A = self.Z_A(corsika_id) return 1. / Z * np.sqrt(E**2 + 2 * self.m_p * A * E) def f_mod(self, E, corsika_id): Z = self.Z_A(corsika_id)[0] P = ((E**2 + 2 * self.m_p * E) / ((E + Z * 0.511e-3 * 0.6)**2 + 2 * self.m_p * (E + Z * 0.511e-3 * 0.6))) return self.flux(E + Z * 0.511e-3 * 0.6, corsika_id) * P def dN_dR(self, R, corsika_id, gen): return (self.Q(R, gen) * self.lamba_esc(R) / (1 + self.lamba_esc(R) / self.f_norm[corsika_id][3])) def dN_dE(self, E, corsika_id, gen): return (self.dR_dE(E, corsika_id) * self.dN_dR( self.R(E, corsika_id), corsika_id, gen)) def flux(self, E, corsika_id): flux = 0.0 for gen in range(3): flux += (self.f_norm[corsika_id][gen] * 1e4**(-2.75) / self.dN_dE( 1e4, corsika_id, gen) * self.dN_dE(E, corsika_id, gen)) return flux
[docs] def nucleus_flux(self, corsika_id, E): corsika_id = self._find_nearby_id(corsika_id) try: le = E < 300 he = E >= 300 return np.hstack((self.f_mod(E[le], corsika_id), self.flux( E[he], corsika_id))) except: if E < 300: return self.f_mod(E, corsika_id) else: return self.flux(E, corsika_id)
[docs]class GaisserHonda(PrimaryFlux): """5 mass group single power-law model from T.K. Gaisser and M. Honda, Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 52, 153 (2002) This model was tuned to lower energy baloon data. It fails to describe the flux at and above the knee. A safe range for using it is < 100 TeV/nucleon. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): = 'Gaisser-Honda' self.sname = 'GH' self.params = {} self.params[14] = (2.74, 14900, 2.15, 0.21) self.params[402] = (2.64, 600, 1.25, 0.14) self.params[1206] = (2.60, 33.2, 0.97, 0.01) self.params[2814] = (2.79 + 0.08, 34.2 - 6.0, 2.14, 0.01) self.params[5426] = (2.68, 4.45, 3.07, 0.41) self.nucleus_ids = list(self.params.keys())
[docs] def nucleus_flux(self, corsika_id, E): corsika_id = self._find_nearby_id(corsika_id) A = self.Z_A(corsika_id)[1] alpha = self.params[corsika_id][0] K = self.params[corsika_id][1] b = self.params[corsika_id][2] c = self.params[corsika_id][3] return K / A * (E / A + b * np.exp(-c * np.sqrt(E / A)))**-alpha
[docs]class Thunman(PrimaryFlux): """Popular broken power-law flux model. The parameters of this model are taken from the prompt flux calculation paper by M. Thunman, G. Ingelman, and P. Gondolo, Astroparticle Physics 5, 309 (1996). The model contians only protons with a power-law index of -2.7 below the knee, located at 5 PeV, and -3.0 for energies higher than that. """ name = "Thunman et al. ('96)" sname = 'TIG' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.params = {} self.params["low_e"] = (1e4 * 1.7, -2.7) self.params["high_e"] = (1e4 * 174, -3.0) self.params["trans"] = 5e6 self.nucleus_ids = [14]
[docs] def nucleus_flux(self, corsika_id, E): """Broken power law spectrum for protons.""" E = np.atleast_1d(E) if corsika_id != 14: return np.zeros_like(E) le = E < self.params["trans"] he = E >= self.params["trans"] return np.hstack( (self.params['low_e'][0] * E[le]**self.params['low_e'][1], self.params['high_e'][0] * E[he]**self.params['high_e'][1]))
# self.flux(E[he], corsika_id))) # if np.atleast_1d(E) < self.params["trans"]: # return self.params['low_e'][0] * E**(self.params['low_e'][1]) # else: # return self.params['high_e'][0] * E**(self.params['high_e'][1])
[docs]class SimplePowerlaw27(PrimaryFlux): """Simple E**-2.7 parametrization based on values from :class:`Thunman` below knee. """ name = r"$E^{-2.7}$" sname = r"$E^{-2.7}$" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.params = (1e4 * 1.7, -2.7) self.nucleus_ids = [14]
[docs] def nucleus_flux(self, corsika_id, E): if corsika_id != 14: return 0.0 return self.params[0] * E**(self.params[1])
[docs]class GlobalSplineFit(PrimaryFlux): """Data-driven fit of direct and indirect measurements of the cosmic ray flux and composition. Tracks the mass composition using four leading elements (p, He, O, Fe), whose flux is modeled by shaped spline functions. Assumes fixed flux ratios in rigidity for the flux of subleading elements. Covers the whole rigidity range from 10 GV to 10^11 GeV. """ name = "Dembinski et al. (2017)" sname = "GSF" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): from gsf.flux import z_to_a self.time_interval = (200901, 201612) self.nucleus_ids = [ int(round(a)) * 100 + int(z) for (z, a) in list(z_to_a.items()) ]
[docs] def nucleus_flux(self, corsika_id, E): """Returns the flux of nuclei corresponding to the ``corsika_id`` at energy ``E``. Args: corsika_id (int): see :mod:`crflux` for description. E (float): laboratory energy of nucleus in GeV Returns: (float): flux of single nucleus type :math:`\\Phi_{nucleus}` in :math:`(\\text{m}^2 \\text{s sr GeV})^{-1}` """ from gsf.flux import eflux z, a = self.Z_A(corsika_id) return eflux(z, E, time_interval=self.time_interval)
[docs] def p_and_n_flux(self, E): """Returns tuple with proton fraction, proton flux and neutron flux. The proton fraction is defined as :math:`\\frac{\\Phi_p}{\\Phi_p + \\Phi_n}`. Args: E (float): laboratory energy of nucleons in GeV Returns: (float,float,float): proton fraction, proton flux, neutron flux """ from gsf.flux import nucleon_flux pnflux = [ nucleon_flux(Z_leading, E, time_interval=self.time_interval) for Z_leading in [1, 2, 8, 26] ] p_flux, n_flux = np.sum(pnflux, axis=0) return p_flux / (p_flux + n_flux), p_flux, n_flux
[docs] def total_flux(self, E): """Returns total flux of nuclei, the "all-particle-flux". This version of the method does not vectorize the nucleus_flux method. Args: E (float): laboratory energy of particles in GeV Returns: (float): particle flux in :math:`\\Phi_{particles}` in :math:`(\\text{m}^2 \\text{s sr GeV})^{-1}` """ return sum([ self.nucleus_flux(corsika_id, E) for corsika_id in self.nucleus_ids ])
[docs] def lnA(self, E): """Returns mean logarithmic mass <ln A>/ This version of the method does not vectorize the nucleus_flux method. Args: E (float): laboratory energy of particles in GeV Returns: (float): mean (natural) logarithmic mass """ sum_weight = 0. for cid in self.nucleus_ids: if cid == 14: continue #p has lnA = 0 sum_weight += np.log(self.Z_A(cid)[1]) * self.nucleus_flux(cid, E) return sum_weight / self.total_flux(E)
[docs] def dump_nucleon_flux_splines(self, emin=1., emax=1e12, nbins=1000): """Dumps a nucleon flux splines of the full GSF model to a pickled file. Energy and flux coordiante are interpolated as a natural logarithm of the values. Args: emin (float): minimal energy for the spline range emax (float): maximal energy for the spline range nbins (int): number of energy steps for interpolation """ from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline from bz2 import BZ2File from datetime import date import pickle as pickle egrid = np.logspace(np.log10(emin), np.log10(emax), nbins) p_frac, p_flux, n_flux = self.p_and_n_flux(egrid) p_frac[p_frac < 0.] = 0. p_flux[p_flux < 0.] = 1e-300 n_flux[n_flux < 0.] = 1e-300 opts = {'s': 0, 'ext': 1} p_frac_spl = UnivariateSpline(np.log(egrid), p_frac, **opts) p_flux_spl = UnivariateSpline(np.log(egrid), np.log(p_flux), **opts) n_flux_spl = UnivariateSpline(np.log(egrid), np.log(n_flux), **opts) pickle.dump( (p_frac_spl, p_flux_spl, n_flux_spl), BZ2File( 'GSF_spline_' +'%Y%m%d') + '.pkl.bz2', 'wb'), protocol=-1)
# def nucleon_flux_and_uncertainty(self, E, mag): # from gsf.flux import nucleon_flux, nucleon_flux_cov # y1 = np.sum(nucleon_flux(1, E), axis=0) * E**mag # y2 = np.sum(nucleon_flux(2, E), axis=0) * E**mag # y3 = np.sum(nucleon_flux(8, E), axis=0) * E**mag # y4 = np.sum(nucleon_flux(26, E), axis=0) * E**mag # y5 = y1 + y2 + y3 + y4 # y1err = np.diag(nucleon_flux_cov(1, 1, E))**0.5 * E**mag # y2err = np.diag(nucleon_flux_cov(2, 2, E))**0.5 * E**mag # y3err = np.diag(nucleon_flux_cov(8, 8, E))**0.5 * E**mag # y4err = np.diag(nucleon_flux_cov(26, 26, E))**0.5 * E**mag # y5cov = 0.0 # for l1 in (1, 2, 8, 26): # for l2 in (1, 2, 8, 26): # y5cov += nucleon_flux_cov(l1, l2, E) # y5err = np.diag(y5cov)**0.5 * E**mag # return y5, y5err
[docs]class GlobalSplineFitBeta(PrimaryFlux): """Data-driven fit of direct and indirect measurements of the cosmic ray flux and composition. Tracks the mass composition using four leading elements (p, He, O, Fe), whose flux is modeled by shaped spline functions. Assumes fixed flux ratios in rigidity for the flux of subleading elements. Covers the whole rigidity range from 10 GV to 10^11 GeV. Tabulated ICRC 2017 version. The full interface will become available, when the model is published. The class picks the most recent spline file in the current directory. Use for reference: Dembinski et al., PoS ICRC2017 533 """ name = "Global Spline Fit" sname = "GSF" def __init__(self, spl_fname=None): import bz2, pickle, os import os.path as path base_path = path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__)) if spl_fname is None: # Look for all files starting with GSF_spline gsf_files = [ fname for fname in os.listdir(base_path) if fname.startswith('GSF_spline_') ] if not gsf_files: raise Exception(self.__class__.__name__ + ': No spline files found in ' + base_path) spl_fname = gsf_files[0] # Find out file datetag fdate = lambda fn: int(os.path.splitext( os.path.splitext(fn)[0])[0].split('_')[-1]) # Pick the latest for fn in gsf_files: if fdate(fn) >= fdate(spl_fname): spl_fname = fn spl_fname = os.path.join(base_path, spl_fname) try: self.p_frac_spl, self.p_flux_spl, self.n_flux_spl = pickle.load( bz2.BZ2File(spl_fname), encoding='latin1') except TypeError: self.p_frac_spl, self.p_flux_spl, self.n_flux_spl = pickle.load( bz2.BZ2File(spl_fname)) self.nucleus_ids = []
[docs] def p_and_n_flux(self, E): """Returns tuple with proton fraction, proton flux and neutron flux. The proton fraction is defined as :math:`\\frac{\\Phi_p}{\\Phi_p + \\Phi_n}`. Args: E (float): laboratory energy of nucleons in GeV Returns: (float,float,float): proton fraction, proton flux, neutron flux """ p_frac = self.p_frac_spl(np.log(E)) p_flux = np.exp(self.p_flux_spl(np.log(E))) n_flux = np.exp(self.n_flux_spl(np.log(E))) return p_frac, p_flux, n_flux
[docs] def tot_nucleon_flux(self, E): """Returns total flux of nucleons, the "all-nucleon-flux". Args: E (float): laboratory energy of nucleons in GeV Returns: (float): nucleon flux :math:`\\Phi_{nucleons}` in :math:`(\\text{m}^2 \\text{s sr GeV})^{-1}` """ return np.sum(self.p_and_n_flux(E)[1:], axis=0)
[docs] def nucleus_flux(self, corsika_id, E): """ Dummy function, since for particle fluxes are not supported in the spline interface version""" return np.zeros_like(E)